Partners in Education (P.I.E.)
Faith Lutheran School's P.I.E. is a partnership of school family members, staff, and community members. We work together to raise funds and provide volunteer opportunities that enhance the educational experience for every student.
As the only outside funding source, we raise funds for initiatives deemed as high priority by the principal, teachers, and parents. P.I.E. relies on the generous support of our parents and extended family members to meet classroom needs unfunded by other means.

P.I.E. sponsors multiple activities throughout the year that need parent support. By participating in P.I.E. you help your child's school and also earn stewardship hours. Here are some exciting events to look forward to during the 2023-24 school year:
Fall FUNdraiser Kick Off:
Sept 18
PIE Sponsored Events:
Sept 25-Sept 29 Scholastic Book Fair
Oct 27 Harvest Carnival
Dec 4-8 Holiday House
Feb 8 Family Fun Night
May 5-9 Teacher Appreciation Week
Popcorn Fridays
Oct 6, Nov 3, Jan 19, Feb 21, Mar 21, May 2
Year Round Collections:
Box Tops for Education
Amazon Rewards
Please join us at one or all of our meetings this year and find out what we do and how you can help! All meetings are on a Wednesday, from 6:00 - 7:00 pm:
September 20 January 15
October 11 February 12
November 15 March 12
No December meeting! April 16
May 21
P.I.E. Board Members:
President - Cara Royal
1st Vice President - Erika Moore
Treasurer - Emily Starks
Secretary - Robert Maanao